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Aaron "AC" Carreau

My Story

Growing up, I was always active. My first true passion in life was football. Entering high school, I was in the 3rd percentile for height and weight for kids my age. I was SMALL. I had to work twice as hard just to be able to compete on the football field. 

I got bullied and pushed around by the bigger kids and even got picked up and placed in a garbage can at school as a prank one day. I didn’t find it funny. It angered me that I felt so helpless in such a cruel and unforgiving world. I used that as motivation which fueled my transformation. 

I made it a mission to build as much muscle as possible, and I wasn’t letting anyone get in my way. I put on at least 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in just a few years. I had found my second true passion in life: fitness. 

More people began reaching out to me for guidance. “What’s the workout plan?” and “I’m trying to get like you!” among the common remarks. I helped a few of them navigate the beginning of their fitness journeys, providing them with the knowledge I gained from research and personal experience. I was overwhelmed with feelings of happiness by this process of helping others achieve their goals. 

I found my passion within the passion: teaching. I decided to get my CPT in 2021 and have since been helping people of all backgrounds achieve tremendous results: from losing body fat to building muscle and everything in between.

My Mission

My mission is simple: to help people attain and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

 Leading this lifestyle is hard work; however, I possess the knowledge and tools necessary to help you along your journey. 

Success can not be owned, only rented, and rent is due every single day. Fitness is no exception, as you must maintain it through consistency and intent, or you will lose it. You have to embrace the changes in your lifestyle in order to transform your body and mind. 

Unfortunately, fitness is often overcomplicated by the internet and social media, with influencers and so-called “experts” spreading misinformation to the masses, which can cause many people to become overwhelmed and quit before they even get the chance to begin. 

I strive to make things simple for you, as it should be. Are you ready to be better? Let’s get to work!

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